Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
Unsubscribe Privacy Policy © 2000-2018, Brian Tracy International.
Unsubscribe Privacy Policy © 2000-2018, Brian Tracy International.
Tina, have you ever wanted to be featured in a podcast?
If this sounds like a strange question, allow me to say the following: podcasts are the most powerful, authority-building shortcut for businesses to generate leads, conversions, and cash.
It’s true!
Throughout my career, I’ve spoken at hundreds of conferences, been featured on TV, in webcasts, on Youtube, all over social media, etc...
Throughout my career, I’ve spoken at hundreds of conferences, been featured on TV, in webcasts, on Youtube, all over social media, etc...
And don’t get me wrong: these are all great ways to get exposure. But these methods can take a lot of time, money, and resources.
And times are changing…
Because today, the most effective way to establish your authority and broaden your influence (*without paying a dime*) is by being featured on high-visibility podcasts.
Of all the marketing tactics I’ve implemented over the years, nothing has proven more effective than aligning myself with leading influencers and being featured on their popular podcasts.
Of all the marketing tactics I’ve implemented over the years, nothing has proven more effective than aligning myself with leading influencers and being featured on their popular podcasts.
That’s why I want to show you how easy to take advantage of this opportunity…
By downloading The Ultimate Directory of Podcasters, created by my friend, Steve Olsher!
Once I discovered this amazing resource, I couldn’t resist and had to ask Steve if it was ok to share it with you. The best part? It’s absolutely FREE.
Now’s your chance to connect with 670 of the world’s leading podcasters!
Not only is The Ultimate Directory of Podcasters the most comprehensive resource of its kind—it also contains detailed contact information (including their email addresses!).
Just imagine what being featured on the right podcasts can do for you (and your bottom line), overnight.
Simply put: it used to take years to develop authority in the minds of your target audience…
… with podcasts, it only takes SECONDS.
And now you now have a directory from which to choose and instantly connect with the world’s top podcasters—your business and your brand can now instantly be exposed to millions of enthusiastic followers.
Now, I can’t promise that these podcasters will instantly propel you to fame and fortune.
But what I CAN promise is that you’ll now have another powerful tool to reach your audience quicker and more efficiently than ever before!
I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity as it won’t be available for long.
To your success,
Brian Tracy
P.S. Since this is a brand new release, Steve has thrown in a bonus!
When you grab The Ultimate Directory, you’ll also get instant access to Steve’s free video training workshop, Profiting From Podcasts.
In it, you’ll learn Steve’s proven process for getting booked on the world’s leading shows—it’s a great way to generate more free visibility while boosting your bottom line!
Unsubscribe Privacy Policy © 2000-2018, Brian Tracy International.
Have you ever had a moment where success or a personal breakthrough was so close that you could almost taste it? Maybe you felt resistance coming from within that you don't deserve that promotion, raise, dream job or big client...
Or maybe you’ve felt a sense of fear of leaving your comfort zone to play a bigger game and not knowing what the outcome will be.
Where does resistance like this really come from?
My friend Natalie Ledwell - personal growth coach, bestselling author and founder of Mind Movies - has spent over a decade tracking down the world's top mind scientists, psychologists and personal growth experts for an answer to this question.
And in this time she's discovered the true origins of our innermost resistance, blocks, and self-sabotage.
Can you guess what’s sabotaging your success?
The answer is similar but slightly different for everyone.
And Natalie has designed a simple yet accurate [30-second quiz] to help you pinpoint what's sabotaging your success and abundance.
Take it now while it's still available:
The answer might surprise you…
To your success,
Brian Tracy
P.S. Just answer a few simple questions, and Natalie's personality analysis software will do the rest.
It's pretty mind-blowing just how much you can [find out about yourself] and your personal blocks in just 30 seconds.
Unsubscribe Privacy Policy © 2000-2018, Brian Tracy International.
Few hours in the day are more important than the early morning hours when you first get up. The early morning hours set the tone for how the rest of your day will go, making it crucial to get started out on the right foot.
Some of the world's most successful people recognize the importance of the early morning hours and have adopted morning routines that allow them to take the most advantage of them. These are routines that are designed to put you in a beneficial frame of mind that will carry throughout the rest of the day as well as provide a whole range of other benefits.
In my video, "Morning Routines of Successful People", I go over the morning routines that some of the world's most successful people make use of every day and discuss their proven benefits. If you would like to start taking advantage of morning routines that will encourage happiness and success, be sure to check it out.
To Your Success,
Brian Tracy
Some of the world's most successful people recognize the importance of the early morning hours and have adopted morning routines that allow them to take the most advantage of them. These are routines that are designed to put you in a beneficial frame of mind that will carry throughout the rest of the day as well as provide a whole range of other benefits.
In my video, "Morning Routines of Successful People", I go over the morning routines that some of the world's most successful people make use of every day and discuss their proven benefits. If you would like to start taking advantage of morning routines that will encourage happiness and success, be sure to check it out.
To Your Success,
Brian Tracy
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