
WP Legal Pages:

WPLegalPages makes it easy to generate and add 25+ legal policy pages to your WordPress websites.
  • GDPR privacy policy template - GDPR privacy policy will help to make your website GDPR compliant. This policy helps to stay transparent and inform your users about the data collection and usage.
  • GDPR cookie policy template - Website cookies also come under GDPR. A cookie policy gives the user a clear picture of how cookies are used on the website.
Start Promoting WPLegalPages Now and earn $20 per sale.
GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin:

The WP GDPR Cookie Consent plugin helps you comply with the GDPR cookie policy. With a single click, it scans your website for cookies, categorizes them and requests consent from website visitors. The consent request is shown in a fully customizable consent bar.
  • Third-party cookie audit shortcode - This feature scans your site for all known third-party cookies and collects the information for your cookie audit. You can easily place a shortcode on the existing policy page and display the cookies audit table.
  • ICO compliance - As per the ICO guidelines, all cookie categories except the 'Necessary' cookie category are unchecked by default, when asking for cookie consent from visitors.
  • Multi-language support - French, Dutch, Czech, Spanish, Slovenian, Icelandic, Bulgaria, Deutsch, Danish, Croatian.
Start Promoting GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin Now and earn $12 per sale.
Woo Auction Software:

With the Woo Auction Software, a user can create a professional auction WordPress website in just a few clicks.
  • Reverse auction type added - Reverse auction is a more transparent type of auction allowing sellers to compete in real-time to win the business.
  • Widgets added for displaying auctions - Now choose from various widgets like ending soon, coming soon, featured, watchlist, recently viewed, my auctions, and random auction.
  • Support for digital products - User can now host digital products in auctions by setting up downloadable deliverable files while setting up the auction.
Start Promoting Woo Auction Software Now and earn $15 per sale.
WP Local Plus US:

WP Local Plus is a completely automated, WordPress plugin with which you can create content-filled, local business directories. Besides listings, it’s possible to include reviews, coupon offers and Google Maps integration, and more.
  • Directory listing in frontend - Fixed CityGrid API call error which will allow a user to see all the listings available on the directory.
  • Popup for listings - This feature allows a user to get more information about the listing. When a user clicks on a particular listing, a popup appears which includes more details like map direction, etc.
Start Promoting WP Local Plus Now and earn $20 per sale.
WP Business Listings:

WP Business Listing lets you create directories at your site. Charge people for listing their businesses in your directory and secure an additional source of earning.
  • Compatibility with Paypal - This plugin now works with Paypal. Now a user can easily make payments via Paypal to add business listings on your website.
  • Admin control - An admin can now change the user settings from the backend like resetting password and other information.
  • Submit button error fixed - Fatal error fixed for adding new business listings. A user can now easily submit new business listings hassle-free.
Start Promoting WP Business Listings Now and earn $8 per sale.
Why wait, when you can make millions over the weekend? Start promoting these best-selling plugins and earn 30% commission for each sale.
If you need any help, let me know. I'll be happy to send you custom-designed banners.
I am reachable at support@wpeka.com
Happy Earnings,


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