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Etsy is a marketplace where people around the world connect to buy & sell handmade & vintage goods. Etsy offers a meaningful & personal shopping experience to consumers & gives independent, creative businesses around the world the tools to be successful. Etsy Sellers: Etsy sellers are eligible for the Affiliates Program but are not eligible to earn commission on sales from their own shops or from closely related shops. Closely related shops are shops in which an Etsy seller has a financial interest or that have a material connection, such as a shared bank account or credit card, with the seller's own shop. This is a wonderful opportunity to earn commission from showcasing other Etsy shops and embracing and discussing the Etsy community at large. Commissions are not paid out on Gift Card purchases.
*****This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Etsy is a marketplace where people around the world connect to buy & sell handmade & vintage goods. Etsy offers a meaningful & personal shopping experience to consumers & gives independent, creative businesses around the world the tools to be successful. Etsy Sellers: Etsy sellers are eligible for the Affiliates Program but are not eligible to earn commission on sales from their own shops or from closely related shops. Closely related shops are shops in which an Etsy seller has a financial interest or that have a material connection, such as a shared bank account or credit card, with the seller's own shop. This is a wonderful opportunity to earn commission from showcasing other Etsy shops and embracing and discussing the Etsy community at large. Commissions are not paid out on Gift Card purchases.
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