Cents of Style

We decided to make our shorts deal EVEN BETTER! You won't believe that we have shorts starting at $10!! We'll make you a believer! RUN!
We have bermudas, linen, denim, and our ever popular jegging shorts on sale. There is a variety of styles, colors and sizing available from s-3xl. 

ALL shorts $10 OFF and starting at just $10 (Up to 70% OFF ) & FREE SHIPPING with the Fashion Friday code SHORTS10

Fashion Friday
Deal: ALL Shorts $10 OFF- starting at $10 & FREE SHIPPING
Code: SHORTS10 
Active Dates: 06/06/19 until 06/11/19.
ShareASale Link: ShareASale Deal #595139. Here is your personal affiliate link: UPDATED Deal on all SHORTS- 6/6/19- Starting at $10 With Code SHORTS10

Here are images for your use and products you don't want to miss!

Summer Sale

Summer Sale

Summer Sale

Summer Sale

Summer Sale

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much!



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