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Medical Monopoly Musings #30: Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest at Sloan-Kettering
Hey ,
In the previous post, I covered that from the head of the NIH, Varmus moved on to be president and chief executive officer of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. This is one of the biggest cancer centers out there.
The cancer industry fighting for people strongly…or is it fighting for the industry? No surprise (if you’re paying attention), this non-profit has recently come under fire for industry-ties. We’ll get back to Varmus in the next post but for now, I turn your attention to another man.
Dr. José Baselga is one of the world’s top breast cancer doctors. He’s published dozens of articles in The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine. (Remember this journal? The place that former editor Marcia Angell said was untrustworthy because of industry ties two decades ago.)
Publishing in prestigious journals would be expected. But what was not, was that he FAILED to disclose financial ties to the tune of MILLIONS of dollars in said publications.
Baselga was Chief Medical Officer of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center where he was paid more than $1.5 million in 2016 just from this charity organization.


Meanwhile, he’s held roles at pharmaceutical companies Roche (paying him over $3 million since 2014) and Bristol-Myers Squibb. He was a director of Varian Medical Systems…which sells radiation equipment to Sloan and elsewhere. (Earning $260K in cash and stock in 2017 alone.)
He was also president of the American Association for Cancer Research in 2015 and 2016. And in this role, he was one of the two editors for their journal Cancer Discovery as well.
“Baselga’s extensive corporate relationships — and his frequent failure to disclose them — illustrate how permeable the boundaries remain between academic research and industry, and how weakly reporting requirements are enforced by the medical journals and professional societies charged with policing them,” write Katie Thomas from the New York Times and Charles Ornstein from ProPublica.
It may come as no surprise that the penalties for failing to disclose industry ties are extremely weak. One journal says a three-year ban exists for such lapses…but NO ONE has ever been banned! Many journals do not check on conflicts of interest at all.
“ProPublica and The Times analyzed Baselga’s publications in medical journals since 2013, the year he joined Memorial Sloan Kettering. He failed to disclose any industry relationships in more than 100, or about 60 percent of the time, a figure that has increased with each passing year. Last year, he did not list any potential conflicts in 87 percent of the articles that he wrote or co-wrote.”
This guy should be painted up with corporate sponsorship like in Nascar!
Baselga is one example of many. He has since resigned at Sloan-Kettering but the revolving door spins on. We can see him working as of Feb. 2020 as Chief of Oncology R&D at pharma giant AstraZeneca.
In his resignation letter, he wrote, “It is my hope that this situation will inspire a doubling down on transparency in our field.” Sounds like hollow words from a liar to me as lies of omission are still lies.
And very similar to what Varmus said after he was found out.
Sloan Kettering’s spin is that this is okay because they’re searching for life-saving, cancer stopping drugs. Do you believe them? Do they really want to cure cancer when this much money is on the line? (Recall that Varmus said science couldn’t even look into causes of cancer!) Or do they want to continue to treat it keeping business as usual?
Understand how the game is played and you can begin to see beyond the illusion.
Rooting for your health,



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PS. Here’s what customers are saying about our Miron Glass…
Kenneth Middleton Jr. –
“The glass jars are a stroke of genius! I never would have thought to store my herbs in them had I not seen them advertised. They definitely help herbs retain their potency longer.”
Thomas Hoadley –
“The Miron glass jars are a great addition to the line. I use two sizes at the moment with a tiny pos tit label on the inside of the lid. They are so much easier to use than the bags and I’m sure they keep the herbs fresh for a long time. Much less clutter in the drawer too! Thanks, guys, T.H.”




Light vs. Dark

Welcome back to another episode of Health Sovereign.
This week I want to dive back into discussing the many ways the medical industry and pharmaceuticals have conditioned the masses into believing that they have “our best interests” at heart.
But do they? Tune in and find out...
Episode 23: Light vs. Dark
In this episode, you’ll discover:
  • How being stuck in a corrupted system can corrupt you—and how to break free from the cycle (5:27)
  • Why worrying about health, medicine and pharmaceuticals is not enough–and what else to look at if you want to become truly sovereign. (9:10)
  • The “medical deep state” that controls your health without you knowing it. (11:11)
  • Why the biggest company almost never has your best interest in mind. (14:58)
  • One question to ask yourself when looking at the health industry. (15:35)
  • Where are the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” in the medical industry. (18:40)
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GAG me with a spoon...

Yessss, our herbs have actually made people vomit!
While it's certainly not common, it has happened.
How's that for a great sales pitch and selling point?.... NOT!
However, powerful herbs come with powerful flavors, so in this video, I want to show you one of the best methods for making our powdered herbs taste better.
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