Biotrust Nutrition

BioTrust Nutrition
Hi, it's Shawn Wells, Director of Research and Development here at BioTrust, and today we're incredibly excited to let you know about what is undoubtedly one of the most breakthrough, cutting-edge fat-burning and waist-slimming supplements of ALL time... and as a VIP subscriber, today you have the opportunity to try it, use it, and benefit from it... all with special discounted packages and even FREE shipping packages when you secure your order via the special link in this email today!

You see, with over TWO MILLION bottles sold over the last 3 years, BioTrust LeptiBURN has become a fat loss phenomenon—and believe it or not, we just took it to a whole new level with LeptiBURN 2.0...  In fact, new clinical research performed directly on the LeptiBURN 2.0 product founded that when compared to those not taking this premium fat-burning formula, the LeptiBURN 2.0 group experienced:

**500% greater fat loss
**Significantly reduced appetite
**FOUR TIMES more calories burned (the equivalent of running 2 exhausting miles every single day, but without ever having to lace up your shoes!)

Talk about research-backed, calorie-burning, fat-annihilating results!... all without added caffeine or other stimulants.

Please read every word we've included below, and if you're as excited about this revolutionary product as we are, be sure to act quickly as today's special offer can expire at any time...

Let me ask you a question:

Did you know that there's literally ONE one solitary hormone that can either make or break every weightloss goal you set?  In fact, if you don't learn to control this hormone, you might as well forget about losing fat at really is that big of a deal.

The hormone?  Leptin.

Leptin (derived from the Greek word leptos, meaning thin), is essentially the "master" hormone that more or less controls EVERY other weight loss hormone in your body... and your ability to burn fat as a whole.

You see, when you have leptin on your side, fat loss becomes easy.  When you don't, losing even a single pound can become virtually impossible.

And here's the unfortunate news:  just about everyone is unknowingly fighting a losing battle with leptin each and every time they attempt to lose weight.

You see, the REAL underlying reason you’ve failed to lose weight in the past isn’t for lack of trying, you don’t have bad genetics, and there’s nothing physically wrong with you... the truth is that you failed simply because you didn’t know the simple ways to control your #1 weightloss hormone... leptin.

With that said, it's pretty easy to see why so many folks, and perhaps you're one of them, downright struggle to shed their unwanted body fat, month after month, year after year.

Let me explain...

First, in order to burn fat, your body depends on these two things:

1) high levels of leptin
2) highly sensitive leptin "receptors" (which acts as the "lock" to leptin's "key")

Now for the bad news...

Anytime you go on a diet and reduce your calorie intake, leptin levels plummet and fat burning is dramatically reduced to a snail's pace.


Because leptin's main function is to protect your body against starvation, and in the midst of decreased food intake (i.e. dieting), your body unfortunately views your stored body fat as a huge asset to survival.

After all, body fat provides a vast supply of stored energy and warmth, both highly-valued resources when food is in short supply.

You see, when you go on a diet, your body isn't aware of your hopes for a slim, tight waistline or your desire to drop 20 lbs in time for your high school reunion or summer beach season.  In fact, the only thing it does know is that your calorie intake is now below "normal"... and to your brain, that's a big red flag.

The result: reduced leptin levels and dramatically decreased fat burning.

In fact, research has shown that leptin levels drop by as much as 50% after just 7 days of dieting.  That puts you at only 50% of your fat-burning potential just one WEEK in to your fat loss plan, and it only gets worse with each passing day.

And if that wasn't bad enough, with every pound you DO struggle to lose, leptin levels fall even further, making it even more difficult for you to continue to lose fat.


Because, as mentioned, in the face of calorie restriction, your body views stored body fat as an asset to survival. The more fat you lose, the more "danger" your body senses, and the harder it is to strip away that next pound.

Hello, fat loss plateaus!

Now, I hate to continue to be the bearer of bad news, but the scenario I just explained is actually only HALF the problem.

The other unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of people are ALSO suffering from a condition known as "leptin resistance" due to years of high body fat levels and a diet full of processed foods.

Leptin resistance simply means that even at high levels, leptin is no longer able to properly signal fat burning to your body, dramatically decreasing its fat loss effects.

That's a pretty disheartening truth for the fat loss enthusiast, but as I mentioned earlier, there IS something you can do about it.

Let me ask you this:

What if I told you there was a drop-dead simple way to keep leptin levels high as you lose weight, while also increasing your body's sensitivity to the hormone?  Is that something you might be interested in?

You see, if you could do that, you could essentially keep your body in a fat-burning state all the time... high leptin levels = high levels of fat burning... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Can you just imagine how much MORE fat you'd burn if your body was no longer limiting your rate of fat loss on a daily basis?

A LOT more.  In fact, our clinical study shows SIX TIMES greater fat loss when supplementing with LeptiBURN 2.0 and the 4 synergystic flat-belly herbs hand-picked by our scientists to tackle leptin from both problematic angles: production and sensitivity.

Let me tell you about each:

The first ingredient I'm really excited to share with you today is the patented Irvingia gabonensis, known as IGOB131, a powerful extract from the African mango seed that has been shown to support leptin sensitivity by up to 52%.

Want some pretty startling hard data supporting Irvingia's dramatic effect on weight loss?  Check this out...

In a double-blind placebo controlled study (the gold standard of research design), published in the Journal Lipids in Health and Disease, and led by Dr. Judith Ngondi, 102 otherwise healthy, overweight volunteers received either 150 mg of patented Irvingia extract or a placebo (containing no Irvingia), twice daily prior to meals.

At the end of 10 weeks, the patented Irvingia group lost an average of 28 pounds, shed 6.7 inches from their waistline, and reduced their total body fat by a whopping 18.4%!  In the end, this translates to 223% greater weight loss for the Irvingia group!

If that wasn’t enough, in a second randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study involving 48 overweight participants led by Dr. Boris Azantsa, participants received 300mg of patented Irvingia daily or a simple sugar pill placebo for 8 weeks.

At the end of the study, the participants who took the patented Irvingia lost an average of 16 pounds—more than 5 TIMES more weight than those not taking Irvingia, along with a loss of nearly 300% more body fat . They also lost over THREE times as many inches from their waist and hips!

As expected, those receiving the placebo—that contained no patented Irvingia—experienced no measurable results.

Next up is a far superior form of Green Tea extract to help stoke your body’s metabolic furnace while your leptin levels are primed. Forget about the weak and ineffective forms of green tea found in most diet products -- the ONLY form we'll ever consider using contains concentrated levels of green tea’s most powerful fat-burning components, standardized for 45% EGCG and 98% polyphenols.

This superior form of Green tea has been attributed to 130% greater weight loss, a decrease of 7.5% in waist circumference, a 2-fold increase in metabolism, and a 26x increase in fat loss vs those taking an “imposter” placebo pill!

The third ingredient, Aframomum melegueta, is a West African herb that has been shown to increase calorie burning by 400% in just 30 minutes!  Even more, users lost 466% more flab than those not taking this wonder herb.

Not only that, but those using Aframomum melegueta also experienced a significant increase in metabolic rate, equating to 140 more calories burned a day -- and when combined with the other synergistic ingredrients in LeptiBURN 2.0, this calorie burn jumps to over 200 calories!  That’s the equivalent calorie burn of running TWO exhausting miles but without ever having to lace up your shoes!

The fourth and final ingredient in this fat-burning super-formula is 5-hydroxytryptophan, also known as 5-HTP. This nifty molecule increases the "feel good" neurotransmitter, serotonin, which works hand in hand with leptin to tell your brain and body that you’re full and satisfied.  Of the nearly 40 million brain cells found in your body, serotonin influences nearly all of them. In fact, supplementing with 5-HTP can increase serotonin levels by up to 100%.

Why does this matter?  Well, studies published in such esteemed journals as Obesity Research show that serotonin can help elevate your mood, control your appetite, and decrease cravings—all critically important elements when it comes to losing stubborn flab!

In fact, by naturally raising the body’s levels of serotonin, 5-HTP automatically reduces cravings and the overconsumption of calories, particularly when it comes to high-carb “trigger” foods.

So what does all of this mean to you?  It means that with the help of these 4 research-backed ingredients, and their 4 unique methods of action, you can ensure your body's #1 fat burning hormone, leptin, is working for you, not against you—an utter impossibility with traditional dieting.

The end result?  You burn more fat, in less time, and without the struggle.

Simply put, LeptiBURN 2.0 is by far one of the most exciting, unique formulas we’ve ever had the opportunity to work on here at BioTrust. It’s the real deal, backed by HARD science showing SIX TIMES greater weightloss in clinical university research conducted on the actual product itself, and we’re extremely confident that you will experience the same incredible results as the research participants when you put it’s fat-melting, calorie-burning power to work for you.

It's also important to know that LeptiBURN 2.0 is the only product in the world to contain these 4 specialized fat-burning ingredients, in the exact amounts shown to be effective in research, and that the ONLY place you can buy Leptiburn 2.0 is direct through BioTrust, with added free shipping via the special VIP link below in this email.

To begin experiencing the premium calorie-burning, fat-destroying benefits of LeptiBURN 2.0 for yourself, simply click on the special link below (only available via this VIP email) and select your money saving package right now:

==> Save on LeptiBURN 2.0 with special discounted packages when you order today

And of course, like with all BioTrust products, you're always protected by our industry-best 365 day satisfaction guarantee, where you can get a refund of even empty bottles if for any reason you aren't satisfied.  Are we crazy?  No, we're just so incredibly confident that you will see and experience the calorie-igniting, fat-burning effects of LeptiBURN 2.0 that we want to make it an absolute no brainer for you to try it right now while this special VIP offer is still available.

Again, this revolutionary product is currently only available via the special link below, with today's special package discounts.  Act now to secure your savings on this super fat-melting, calorie-burning supplement now and avoid disappointment before this special offer is gone for good.

==> Save on LeptiBURN 2.0 with special discounted packages when you order today

To your ultimate body!


Shawn Wells, R.D.
Chief Science Officer, BioTrust Nutrition
BioTrust Nutrition
Hey, Shawn Wells here, Registered Dietitian and Chief Scientific Officer at BioTrust, and today I'm excited to announce to you our brand NEW ultra-pure and premium Platinum 1™ grass-fed protein powder!  Even better, to celebrate, we are making it available up to $30 OFF along with FREE U.S. Shipping today!

You see, each serving of Platinum 1 contains 25 grams of protein... less than 1g of carbs (perfect for the KETO diet)... nothing artificial... and only 120 calories (our lowest-calorie protein powder). It comes in 3 delicious flavors, including Chocolate Ice Cream, Vanilla Cupcake and Apple Pie à la Mode!

What's more, Platinum 1 is the first grass-fed hydrolyzed whey protein EVER, and it comes in an eco-friendly bag that has 40% more servings than any of our other BioTrust proteins.

You see, we developed Platinum 1 to be the ideal protein supplement for hard-working fitness models and athletes, such as runners, cyclists, CrossFitters, and weightlifters... BUT, turns out, the ingredients and processes used in Platinum 1 also make it the ideal protein supplement if you're trying to lose weight -- including if you're on a KETO diet or other low-carb diet, Primal and most Paleo diets, and even an elimination-style diet!

If it's a good enough protein for elite athletes and fitness models, you know it's going to work for regular health-minded folks like you and me!

Indeed, it turns out the premium ingredients and processes used in Platinum 1 also make it the ideal protein supplement if you're trying to lose weight-- including if you're on a KETO diet or other low-carb diet!

With Platinum 1, our goal was to create no less than the single best protein supplement on the planet – no compromises. And there's a solid scientific reason why it is indeed ideal:

Because Platinum 1 is the first grass-fed hydrolyzed whey protein EVER. No other product in existence can claim this.

"Hydrolyzed" is an ALL-NATURAL process that breaks the whey protein down into smaller components via special natural enzymes. Your body, therefore, absorbs this protein and all its nutrient benefits far faster and more effectively than intact proteins like regular whey or casein found in other protein supplements.

That means a highly concentrated source of the fastest-acting, most digestion-friendly protein for you. Not only does this make Platinum 1 the perfect protein for those with digestive issues, but it's fast absorption leads to many powerful benefits, such as providing you fast and PEAK ENERGY, and the ultimate in CRAVING CONTROL and appetite suppression, quickly, when you need it most.

But there's a whole lot more.

Because hydrolyzed whey protein isolate is VERY LOW IN CARBS (1 gram), fat, and lactose, it's the perfect protein choice if you're watching carbs and/or calories – perfect for KETO and other low-carb diets! It even stimulates glucagon, which is a powerful FAT BURNING hormone.

It also has strong "insulinogenic" properties, meaning it stimulates the release of insulin to reduce post-meal blood glucose. In other words, Platinum 1 provides optimal support for healthy blood sugar management.

These strong insulinogenic properties also have a powerful impact on reducing muscle protein breakdown. Meanwhile, the hydrolyzed whey protein is the BEST SOURCE of essential amino acids (11.8 grams of EAAs per serving!) and leucine (2.7 grams per serving!), which is the "trigger" for muscle protein synthesis – key to building and maintaining lean muscle and strength.

This unparalleled muscle support is CRUCIAL for those who want to maximize their performance today while minimizing the onset of the "weakness and fragility" associated with aging. It's also IDEAL for athletes because of how fast and efficiently it can increase your muscle strength, tone, and size. (In fact, because healthy muscles are key to an appealing body and metabolism, it's important for anyone who wants to look their best!)


Yes, there are some other protein supplements on the market that advertise hydrolyzed whey, but they often dilute the speed and digestibility of their hydrolyzed whey by adding in other proteins.

The protein in Platinum 1 is entirely all-natural hydrolyzed whey isolate -- no other protein whatsoever.

It's also the FIRST AND ONLY hydrolyzed whey protein that comes from grass-fed cows!

Grasses are a cow's natural diet, not the GMO-tainted corn and other grains most cows are fed to quickly fatten them up. Because they're essentially force-fed this unnatural diet, they tend to get sick, so they're also fed antibiotics and growth hormones that, of course, find their way into milk from cows.

Meanwhile, protein from cows fed their natural diet of grass has MANY BENEFITS, from a more sustainable environment to greater nutrition and ultra-purity for you!

Considering that our Platinum 1 protein is grass-fed, and it has NO OTHER JUNK either – no hormones or antibiotics or soy, no GMOs or gluten or added sugars, no artificial anything – you'd be hard-pressed to find a purer protein supplement.

But we take the purity a few steps further still.

Because Platinum 1 is cold-processed using a cross-flow microfiltration, multi-step process. This prevents "denaturation" of the delicate proteins and preserves key muscle-strengthening and immune support protein fractions and bioactives (while REMOVING carbs, fats, lactose, and cholesterol).

And yes, with Platinum 1 you're also getting BioTrust's industry-leading A+ LEVEL OF QUALITY CONTROL.

This means all our ingredients are tested for purity and potency and come with a certificate of analysis for verification. We work only with top-tier manufacturers that strictly follow Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP). Even after our products are sealed, we take things further still by sending samples to independent 3rd party labs for testing to 100% verify our ingredients are safe and match the amounts on the labels!

So instead of the "junk" and questionable quality you'll find in most other protein supplements, Platinum 1 provides you 25 GRAMS per serving of only the highest-quality and easiest-digesting protein on earth. This includes over 11.8 grams of essential amino acids... over 5.5 grams of BCAAs... and 2.7 grams of leucine per serving, which in translation means an ULTRA-HEALTHY protein.

All that – and yet it's only 120 CALORIES per serving (our lowest-calorie protein powder), just 0.5 gram of fat per serving, and just 1 gram of net carbs per serving.

And here's one more thing you'll love...


BioTrust's two other protein powders, BioTrust® Low Carb and Harvest™ Complete Plant Protein Blend, are known for not only their peak quality, purity, and effectiveness but also their amazing taste.

So of course, we had to make sure Platinum 1 upheld our "absolutely delicious" standards and the first users are reporting it's our best-tasting product yet! It comes in three flavors – Vanilla Cupcake, Chocolate Ice Cream, and Apple Pie à la Mode. And when you experience how delicious, smooth, and creamy they are, don't be surprised if you have the same question we get from so many people trying it for the first time...

"This tastes just like an awesome dessert... are you SURE it's so healthy and has only 120 calories?"

We LOVE that popular question, of course, because it shows all our hard work in creating the purest and most effective whey protein supplement that also tastes amazing has paid off.  :)

And speaking of our two other protein powders, if you're already using them, YES, it's smart to add Platinum 1 for the health and flavor variety. You can alternate between them or use Platinum 1 specifically after exercise since it's exceptional for post-workout recovery. As they say, variety is the spice of life!

As for HOW TO PREPARE Platinum 1, it's easy:

Just add 2 scoops of Platinum 1 to 8 ounces of water or milk, mix until smooth, and consume.


So, in the simplest terms, with Platinum 1 Premium Grass-Fed Whey Protein Powder, you're getting the purest, highest quality, most digestible, and most effective protein supplement available.

You can now see why I was SO EXCITED to announce the launch of the bags of Platinum 1 that are currently available.

And while the weird label misprint is a big bummer on our end, our label misprint makes our Platinum 1 "launch party" even more exciting for you!

Because the regular price of Platinum 1 is going to be $79 per each 1.3 lb. bag once we get the labels right and make this available to the general public (and considering this is the world's ultra-premium grass-fed hydrolyzed whey protein powder), believe me it's worth every penny.


If you're one of the first to click the link below and order Platinum 1 Premium Grass-Fed Whey Protein Powder before our in-stock supply runs out, you're getting up to $30 OFF per package and FREE U.S. SHIPPING today!

And YES, you're still protected by our industry-best 365-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, where you can get a refund of even empty packages if for any reason you aren't satisfied—up to a full YEAR after securing your order today!

You're getting...

* The fastest-acting, most easily digestible, purest protein supplement
* Ideal for fitness models and athletes
* Ideal for dieters, including those on KETO or other low-carb diets, Primal and most Paleo diets, and even elimination diets
* The only pure grass-fed hydrolyzed whey protein in existence (no other proteins)
* 25 grams of protein per serving to naturally boost your metabolism
* An ULTRA-low 1 gram of carbs per serving
* Just 120 calories and 0.5 grams of fat per serving
* ULTRA-low in lactose: less than 0.5 grams per serving
* 100% JUNK FREE. No hormones, antibiotics, or soy. No GMOs, added sugars, or maltodextrin. No gluten. No artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, or preservatives
* 40% more servings per package than any of our other BioTrust proteins
* In 3 smooth and delicious flavors: Vanilla Cupcake, Chocolate Ice Cream and Apple Pie à la Mode

And you're getting it at a special discount of up to $30 OFF per package and FREE U.S. Shipping. That is, IF you're one of the first to click below and order Platinum 1 before our initial limited supply sells out today...

==> Get Your Platinum 1 Premium Grass-Fed Whey Protein Powder at up to $30 Off + Free Shipping Right Now

Because this is flat-out the purest and most effective protein supplement available, especially with today's special launch discount and free U.S. shipping, this truly will sell out fast. So please act right away!

To your amazing results,

Shawn Wells, R.D.


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